Remote Location Tutoring Grant

Due to the remote locations of various duty stations, NSW families stationed there are faced with limited choices and opportunities in regards to their children's education. The Navy SEAL Foundation offers educational grants to support these families' educational needs. 

Families with children are eligible to apply for assistance associated with private tutoring. The grant is paid directly to the tutoring institution or individual. Grant amounts are 50% of tutoring costs up to a maximum amount of $2,500 (amount varies based on location.) With the application, you will need to submit a monthly statement from the tutor. 

Please complete ONE application PER child.

Spouse Information

All correspondance will be sent to this email address

Service Member Information

Please use either all upper case or all lower case letters.

Grant Request Information

The grade for which the student will be in during the selected academic year

This is the monthly tutoring amount, NOT the amount being requested. Enter a number without a dollar sign.

Please upload the actual tuition statement sent by your school.

Name and Address of Tutor:

The Navy SEAL Foundation is a 501(c)3, not for profit, charitable organization. As a non-federal entity, The Navy SEAL Foundation is not endorsed by the Department of Defense or any component of the DoD.